
Hello, I'm Dmitri. At the moment I'm working as a DevOps Engineer in a company in Chisinau. I'm in IT from 1997, after I followed some courses in high-school where I learned Windows 95, Norton Commander and Pascal programming.

This website contains some notes from tutorials and courses which I passed recently, also some tips from work experience.

I can be found on upWork, Twitter and LinkedIn for freelance/remote work offers. Also, you can drop me a line to telinovdima@gmail.com


Today I Learned from tutorials, books, courses and from KB

prometheus terraform debian kafka apache python devops golang aws curl jenkins bash yaml yq linux virtualbox rhel nodejs github macos kvm freebsd hardware mysql git java maven vim systemd ssh ubuntu docker centos wsl networking openshift kubernetes ansible grafana xfce gnome notag openssl artifactory traefik letsencrypt selinux seccomp apparmor syslog gitlab bitbucket php logrotate nginx logstash iptables security grub html javascript awk zabbix kibana filebeat elasticsearch mariadb jmeter fdisk helm redis vscode json windows openstack sed rest wireguard puppet skaffold rabbitmq cassandra mc borg postgresql digitalocean nagios azure sql mongodb regex vagrant screen sendmail openvas powershell chef gpg travisci keycloak ruby react phpmyadmin tcpdump wireshark tmux postfix libvirt edge vsftpd chrome clang molecule nano algorithms tomcat excel cron jq wordpress influxdb flask gunicorn wget groovy vmware nexus


Knowledge Base - a collection of links. I'm collecting tech related resources. This helps me to find a new content, learn, and organize the links for future.