
Chef Server
Unit testing in Chef with ChefSpec example
Test Kitchen in Chef
Chef Cookstyle
Chef Foodcritic
ChefSpec in Chef
Print variables associated with ChefDK
Invoke ruby via Chef
Chef testing
Notifications and subscriptions in Chef
Embedded Ruby (ERB) template file in Chef
Basic implementation of user and group resources in Chef
Chef guard attributes or conditionals
execute resource with examples and alternatives in Chef
bash inline script example in Chef
remote_file resource in Chef
cookbook_file resource in Chef
Chef ERB templates with Ohai example
Chef generate a template command
Calling a cookbook with a particular recipe(s) in mind
include_recipe syntax in default.rb in a Chef cookbook
Chef cookbooks
Fix Chef knife ssl check error
ohai values interpolation in Chef
Chef Development Kit
Chef resource
Hello world using Chef
Chef Ohai
Chef recipe