PCA (Prometheus Certified Associate) sample exam question with answer 530

In Grafana, what visualization type would be ideal to display the current scrape status of several servers alongside their attributes (labels)?

  1. Heatmap
  2. Time Series
  3. Gauge
  4. Table
D - is the correct answer. More at visualizations
A - is incorrect as this is an ideal visualization for Prometheus histogram metrics over time
B - is incorrect as we only want to display the current scrape status. The Time Series visualization should only be used when you want to display data over time
C - is incorrect. While a gauge is ideal for displaying the current value of a bounded metric like scrape status, we wish to display the status of several servers. Though Grafana can draw multiple gauges for such situations, it will result in a messy visualization. Additionally, we want to display the status of the servers alongside their attributes. A table is the ideal format for such data as each row represents a server and each column specifies an attribute (label) or the scrape status