lsblk major device number
When you enter:
or better:
lsblk -o MAJ:MIN
you are getting some output related to major and minor numbers associated with the devices:
- the major number, which is on the left side of the colon – identifies the type of device driver associated with the device
- the minor number is used to differentiate among devices that are similar and share the same major number. For SCSI disks it helps to identify the different partitions of the disk
Below is a table for major numbers:
- 1 - RAM
- 2 - Floppy Disk Drive
- 3 - Hard Disk or CD-ROM
- 6 - Parallel printers
- 7 - loopback devices
- 8 - SCSI disk
- 14 - Sound
- 180 - USB
- 259 - NVMe disk
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