Install xorg with XFCE on FreeBSD on Lenovo ThinkPad T460s

Before of all - apply security patches.

Elevate to root:

su -
Install Xorg:
pkg install xorg -y
Configure the X window system - users who will be using the GUI need to be added to the video or wheel groups:
pw groupmod video -m guestuser || pw groupmod wheel -m guestuser
This will add the user to the video group, or if that doesn’t exist, the wheel group.
Next, FreeBSD must be configured to set the video output mode - add to /boot/loader.conf:
Before the X Window Server can be run, a few dependancies will need to be installed:
pkg install drm-kmod
For built-in intel video drivers which are in the Lenovo T460s - add to /etc/rc.conf:
Also add the following lines:
Install XFCE:
pkg install xfce xfce4-goodies xfce4-mixer -y
And login manager:
pkg install lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter -y
Add this entry to ~/.xinitrc of root user:
exec xfce4-session
Add the lightdm to startup in /etc/rc.conf:
It is safe to reboot now:
init 6