Install Debian testing with XFCE on KVM

Download ISO:
Go to non-free cd-including-firmware images and choose the latest non-free image and download it.
In Virtual Machine Manager:
Create a new machine
Choose Local install media - choose downloaded ISO
Put Memory - 4GB, and CPUs - 4, Storage - 20GB
Tick - Customize configuration before install
Click Begin installation and once boot-up choose Graphical Install
Choose Language - English
Choose location - Moldova for me
Configure locales - en_US.UTF-8
Kyeboard - American English
Enter the hostname - debian, domain name leave empty
Set root password
Enter a new user: full name, user name and the password
For partitioning use Guided - use entire disk. Also use All files in one partition
Wait for basic installation
COnfigure contry for package manager - for me it is Moldova
On popularity contest - set to no
Software selection choose:
- Debian desktop environment
- Xfce
- SSH serve
r - standard system utilities
Wait for packages to be installed.
Install grub and reboot

Post configuration:
Create /etc/sudoers.d/{{ your_added_user_name }}:

{{ your_added_user_name }} ALL=(ALL) ALL
Defaults:{{ your_added_user_name }} timestamp_timeout=240
On the XFCE Power Settings:
Display Tab - Off
Security: Automatically lock the session - Never. Untick Lock screen when system is going to sleep