Configuring OAuth httpasswd identity provider in OpenShift

First, create httpasswd file with users - add first user:

htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd admin adminpwd1
Add 2 more users, note that below command changed:
htpasswd -b -B /tmp/htpasswd anna annapwd2
htpasswd -b -B /tmp/htpasswd linda lindapwd3
View the contents of the htpasswd file:
cat /tmp/htpasswd
Create a secret which uses this file contents in the openshift-config namespace:
oc -n openshift-config create secret generic httpasswd-secret --from-file htpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd
Add user anna as cluster-admin using RBAC:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin anna
You can ignore warnings, you will get them if you weren't login first with this user. We will do that later.

Get OAuth configuration and edit it:
oc get oauth cluster -o yaml > oauth.yaml
vim oauth.yaml
Add the above secret to the configuration:
  - htpasswd:
        name: htpasswd-sercret
    type: HTPasswd
    name: htpasswd_provider
    mappingMethod: claim
Save and apply:
oc replace -f oauth.yaml
Monitor the changes, some of below pods should terminate and new one should be started by OAuth operator:
oc -n openshift-authentication get pods
Once it is done, when you issue:
oc get users
you won't get the list of the users until you login.

So, try to login:
oc login -u anna -p annapwd2
Note that in above case - you will get cluster-admin privileges after login:
oc get nodes
oc get ns
If you login as linda:
oc login -u anna -p lindapwd3
You will have limited privileges.

Now you can see all users (if you login back as anna to have cluster-admin permissions):
oc get users
oc get identity
To update password, add a new user, or delete existing - you should extract the file from secret:
oc -n openshift-config extract secret/httpasswd-secret --to /tmp --confirm
And then update the file with htpasswd. To update a password:
htpasswd -b -B /tmp/htpasswd anna newpassword123
To add a new user:
htpasswd -b -B /tmp/htpasswd bob bobpwd4
To delete a user:
htpasswd -D -B /tmp/htpasswd linda
After required procedure on users, update the secret:
oc -n openshift-config set data secret/httpasswd-secret --from-file httpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd
And wait until the OAuth operator restarts the pods in the openshift-authentication namespace:
oc -n openshift-authentication get pods