Basic keys for editing with emacs

C-h help
C-x C-c Exit
C-x C-s Save file
C-h t Built-in tutorial
C-h k {{ key }} Describe key
C-p Previous line
C-n Next line
C-b Backward one character
C-f Forward one character
M-f Forward one word
M-b Backward one word
C-a Go to the beginning of the line
C-e Go to the end of the line
M-< Go to the beginning of the file
M-> Go to the end of the file
C-d Delete a character
M-d Delete a word
C-k Kill (cut)
C-y Yank (paste)
C-x u Undo
C-s Start a forward search, Press again for next and Enter to finish the search
C-r Start a reverse search
C-u N {{ command }} Repeat {{ command }} N times