Some data types in Golang

// booleans
var myBoolean bool

// string
var myString string

// integers - signed and unsigned
var myInt int
var myInt8 int8
var myInt16 int16
var myInt32 int32
var myInt64 int64
var myUint uint
var myUint8 uint8
var myUint16 uint16
var myUint32 uint32
var myUint64 uint64
var myUintptr uintptr // It is an unsigned integer type. Its width is not defined, but its can hold all the bits of a pointer value.

var myRune rune // same as int32
var myByte byte // same as int8

// floats
var myFloat32 float32
var myFloat64 float64

// complex
var myComplex64 complex64 // set of all complex numbers with float32 real and imaginary parts
var myComplex128 complex128 // set of all complex numbers with float64 real and imaginary parts

// error is a primitive type, it is an interface type, which wrappers around the string type
var err error