Kubernetes CKA sample exam question 95 with answer

There is a Deployment in Namespace application1 which seems to have issues and is not getting ready.
Fix it by only editing the Deployment itself and no other resources.

Get details about deploy:

kubectl -n application1 get deploy
can be observed deploy api with the READY field as 0/3 which means that out of 3 pods - 0 are ready.
Get more info:
kubectl -n application1 describe deploy api
this won't help us much - nothing is there in terms of warnings or errors
Try other way:
kubectl -n application1 logs deployments/api
We are getting:
Error from server (BadRequest): container "httpd" in pod "api-75bdbf4d57-cj6b7" is waiting to start: CreateContainerConfigError
Get the pods:
kubectl -n application1 get po
And try to get events from a pod:
kubectl -n application1 describe po api-75bdbf4d57-wsgsc
There is one of message that can catch attention:
Error: configmap "category" not found
Check above - the configmap category is used in this line:
  CATEGORY:  <set to the key 'category' of config map 'category'>  Optional: false
Check the configmaps:
kubectl -n application1 get cm
It is not category - it is configmap-category by name:
configmap-category   1      3m41s
So, we need edit the deployment:
kubectl -n application1 edit deploy api
and to change the name of configmap in it:
      - env:
        - name: CATEGORY
              key: category
              name: configmap-category
Save and exit,
After some time, the deployment will be functional