Kubernetes CKA sample exam question 38 with answer

Create a new ClusterRole named deploy-clusterrole, which only allows us to deploy the following resource types: Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet.
Create a new ServiceAccount named cicd in the existing namespace app1. Bind the new ClusterRole deploy-clusterrrole to the new ServiceAccount cicd, limit to the namespace app1

Create ClusterRole manifest and inspect it:

kubectl create clusterrole deploy-clusterrrole --verb create --resource Deployment,StatefulSet,Daemonset --dry-run=client -o yaml
Now, you can safely run the imperative command after inspection:
kubectl create clusterrole deploy-clusterrrole --verb create --resource Deployment,StatefulSet,Daemonset
Create ServiceAccount in the app1 namespace:
kubectl -n app1 create sa cicd
Next - bind, create ClusterRoleBinding:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding deploy-clusterrole-binding --serviceaccount app1:cicd --clusterrole=deploy-clusterrole
kubectl describe clusterrolebinding deploy-clusterrole-binding