Kubernetes CKA sample exam question 36 with answer

We have deployed a new pod called web-test and a service called web-test-svc. Incoming connections to this service are not working.
Inspect the setup.
Create a NetworkPolicy, by the name ingress-to-web-test that allows incoming connections to the service over port 80.
Important: Don't delete any current object deployed. Don't alter existing objects.

Inspect the setup:

kubectl get netpol
kubectl get po,svc
Can be observed a NetworkPolicy named default-deny-ingress. Get more details about it:
kubectl describe netpol default-deny-ingress
In this netpol - no PodSelector is applied, so all pods in the namespace will be affected, also - no ports are allowed, the pods are isolated for ingress connectivity.
This is why connection to the service is not occurring if we are trying to connect:
kubectl exec -it connect-pod -- wget web-test-svc
To allow connections, a netpol which allow ingress to port 80 should be created:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: ingress-to-web-test
  namespace: default
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - ports:
    - protocol: TCP
      port 80
kubectl apply -f np.yaml
And check again the connectivity:
kubectl exec -it connect-pod -- wget web-test-svc
Now, everything should work.