Kubernetes CKA sample exam question 24 with answer

Worker node node01 not responding, have a look and fix the issue

Get the environment details:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node node01
we can see that the worker node node01 is in NotReady state. From the describe command we can't get too many details.
SSH to node01:
ssh node91
Check again the kubelet status:
systemctl status kubelet
we can see that it is in auto-restart mode.
We can try to restart it, but in this case it won't help too much:
systemctl restart kubelet
systemctl status kubelet
Let's try to get the log for the unit:
journalctl -u kubelet
After inspection we can notice the follwing error line:
failed to load kubelet config file /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
View this file and inspect it:
less /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
After careful inspection - we can notice that the CA client path is modified:
    clientCAFile: /etc/kubernetes/pki/HEY_THERE_ARE_YOU_LOOKING_FOR_ME.crt
List a contents on that directory to find the correct certificate:
ls /etc/kubernetes/pki/
it is ca.crt.
So, make a change to the configuration from HEY_THERE_ARE_YOU_LOOKING_FOR_ME.crt to ca.crt
Save and restart kubelet:
systemctl restart kubelet
systemctl status kubelet
We can see that it is active and running. Exit node01 and check nodes status again:
kubectl get nodes
All good now, The node01 is in the Ready state