Kubernetes CKA sample exam question 17 with answer

Taint the worker node node01 with details provided below.
Create a pod called dev-pod-nginx using image nginx, make sure that workloads are not scheduled to this worker node (node01).
Create another pod called prod-pod-nginx using image nginx with toleration to be scheduled on node01.
key: env_type
value: production
operator: Equal
Effect: NoSchedule

Get environment details:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe node controlplane | greo -i taint
kubectl describe node node01 | greo -i taint
We can see that there are no taints set on the nodes.
Now, taint node01:
kubectl taint node node01 env_type=production:NoSchedule
kubectl describe node node01 | greo -i taint
Run dev pod:
kubectl run dev-pod-nginx --image=nginx
See, where it is running:
kubectl get po dev-pod-nginx -o wide
we can see that it is scheduled on controlplane
Generate YAML for prod pod:
kubectl run prod-pod-nginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > prod.yaml
Open prod.yaml and modify it in this way:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: prod-pod-nginx
  name: prod-pod-nginx
  - key: "env_type"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "production"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
  - image: nginx
    name: prod-pod-nginx
Apply and check if the pod is running on node01:
kubectl apply -f prod.yaml
kubectl get po prod-pod-nginx -o wide
we can see that the pod prod-pod-nginx is running on node01