Create an encrypted file secrets.yml with ansible-vault and enter a password:
ansible-vault create secrets.yml
Fill it with following contents:
user: IamUsername
password: IamPassWord
Create a new python file which will read the password variable from the above encrypted yaml file:
import subprocess
import yaml
def getCreds():
cmd = "ansible-vault view secrets.yml"
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(result, error) = process.communicate()
resultYaml = yaml.load(result)
user = resultYaml['user']
password = resultYaml['password']
return(user, password)
user, password = getCreds()
print (password)
Run the script. This is output:
$ python3.6
Vault password: Enter password for encrypted yaml file