Links tagged with #notag

16547 15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T.
15430 Amazing Technology Invented By MIT - Tangible Media
15364 MarI-O - Machine Learning for Video Games
15108 Keynote (Google I-O '18)
10578 14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code
9819 Let's Talk About Google Duplex!
8385 Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED
7899 But what *is* a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1
6199 HOW IT WORKS - Computer Recycling
6031 Most Popular Programming Languages 1965 - 2019
5598 How the inventor of Mario designs a game
5340 How BIG is Amazon? (They Help Power the CIA and Netflix!)
4316 Coding is not difficult | Mark Zukerberg
3959 The hardest problem on the hardest test
3492 Computer evolves to generate baroque music!
3315 We’re Close to a Universal Quantum Computer, Here’s Where We're At
3136 "Uncle" Bob Martin - "The Future of Programming"
2979 Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s I-O 2017 keynote
2854 Amazing Science Toys-Gadgets 1
2650 A Day in the Life of a Harvard Computer Science Student
2494 12 Sites That Will Teach You Coding at a Low Cost, Even Free
2234 GitHub Arctic Code Vault
2115 Chris Urmson: How a driverless car sees the road
2074 Not Everyone Should Code
1905 The Voice Assistant Battle! (2017)
1784 Hour of Code - Bill Gates explains If statements
1780 A Beginner’s Guide To Quantum Computing
1744 Jeff Bezos 1997 Interview
1661 How to Choose a Password - Computerphile
1536 You Should Learn to Program: Christian Genco at TEDxSMU
1509 Quantum computing explained with a deck of cards | Dario Gil, IBM Research
1488 What do programmers actually do?
1476 Evolution Simulator (Part 1/4)
1465 My First Line of Code: Linus Torvalds
1429 Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Deep learning, chapter 2
1388 AI Robots Full 2018 Documentary ~ Taking Over The World
1374 Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2017
1337 Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn in 2018 to Get a Job Without a College Degree
1312 Why Bing Isn't a Failure (& the Future of the Internet)
1199 See How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson
1198 Who Does What in the Tech Industry?
1189 What is Artificial Intelligence? In 5 minutes.
1128 A Day in the Life: MIT Student
1065 Proof That Computers Can't Do Everything (The Halting Problem)
1044 How To Make a Quantum Bit
1014 How Microsoft Saved Apple (And Why They Did It)
982 The tyranny of the rocket equation | Don Pettit | TEDxHouston 2013
955 Coding Challenge #3: The Snake Game
950 Top 10 Technologies To Learn In 2020 | Trending Technologies In 2020 | Top IT Technologies | Edureka
932 What is backpropagation really doing? | Deep learning, chapter 3
916 The Slightly Spooky Recamán Sequence - Numberphile
913 How I Learned to Code - and Got a Job at Google!
912 Mathematics Gives You Wings
896 This Canadian Genius Created Modern AI
887 A Beginner's Guide to the Fourth Dimension
828 SysAdmin Day 2016
758 How to Learn Code (The 3 Main Ways)
735 Stand-Up Comedy Using Only Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Home | OOO with Brent Rose | WIRED
678 The Potato Paradox
609 What if the Universe is a Computer Simulation? - Computerphile
604 MIT Robotics Team 2015 Promo Video
595 Life without sysadmin | Funny thing | Coud Computing :'(
587 Learn HTML in 12 Minutes
579 The Young Codemaster: Raising a Computer Prodigy | On The Red Dot | CNA Insider
571 This Is the End of the Silicon Chip, Here’s What’s Next
563 Tree Gaps and Orchard Problems - Numberphile
534 The Best Movies For Mathematicians
515 Sketch2Code
511 Electronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #2
493 Computer Science ∩ Mathematics (Type Theory) - Computerphile
473 What is Cloud Computing?
471 Coding Challenge #4: Purple Rain in Processing
452 How to Learn to Code
429 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuit
418 Binary Numbers and Base Systems as Fast as Possible
412 Programming Loops vs Recursion - Computerphile
411 Computer Science vs Self-Taught vs Coding Bootcamp (ft. Quincy Larson)
409 How to Learn to Code - Best Resources, How to Choose a Project, and more!
408 Why Udemy is Bad
408 Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle - Computerphile
406 Why Do Computers Use 1s and 0s? Binary and Transistors Explained.
391 Q&A session with Linus Torvalds: Why is Linux not competitive on desktop?
391 How To Convert pdf to word without software
374 Computing Limit - Computerphile
345 How to Make Money with Tensorflow
339 Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2018 - Best Programming Languages to learn in 2018
334 Top 8 Web Development Trends 2018
327 Code beautiful UI with Flutter and Material Design (Google I/O '18)
325 How I got into MIT: Alumni and students share their acceptance stories
318 What Programming Language Should I Learn First?
317 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Tutorial - Part 1
315 Samsung makes fun of Apple#4(You will hate Apple after seeing this)
300 Maze Solving - Computerphile
290 So You Think 2x - 4 = 12 is Easy?
288 Top 10 Science Fiction Movies That Will Soon Become A Reality | Edureka
288 Cloud Computing Services Models - IaaS PaaS SaaS Explained
285 Why do we need SO MANY SERVERS??
280 Top 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2018
278 Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript (Google I/O ’18)
277 How to learn to code (quickly and easily!)
262 The 8 Best Coding Challenge Websites to Help You Level Up Your Skills in 2020
260 What Programming Language Should I Learn First?
258 Coding Challenge #11: 3D Terrain Generation with Perlin Noise in Processing
251 Fastest way to become a software developer
248 What is a kernel - Gary explains
245 StatQuest: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) clearly explained (2015)
242 The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys
234 Lecture 1 | Programming Methodology (Stanford)
231 Sundar Pichai about AI - Latest Interview
229 Beyond the Golden Ratio | Infinite Series
228 How to draw a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
226 Introduction to Calculus (1 of 2: Seeing the big picture)
224 Von Neumann Architecture - Computerphile
218 Lecture 1 | Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
216 How Software is Made
209 Coding Challenge #31: Flappy Bird
197 Very Basic Intro to Neural Networks
184 Nyquist Stability Criterion, Part 1
184 Backpropagation in 5 Minutes (tutorial)
180 SGML HTML XML What's the Difference? (Part 1) - Computerphile
171 The History of Operating Systems
170 0_1 Knapsack Problem Dynamic Programming
166 How to Make Money as a Programmer in 2018
165 TOP 5 Supercomputers in the world | How Much faster?
157 10 Programming Languages in ONLY 15 minutes!
155 Coding Challenge #1: Starfield in Processing
152 Best laptops for programming? How to get a job at Google? - And other FAQ’s!
150 История советских компьютеров
150 Top 10 Programming Languages 2017
149 Microsoft Build 2018 keynote in under 5 minutes
141 Day in the Life: Robotics Engineer
136 Programmer: Expectation vs Reality | Mediocre Coder Kushal
135 Coding Challenge #14: Fractal Trees - Recursive
129 A Cambridge Interview: Queens' Computer Science
126 Top 3 Programming Languages in 2018. (with my thoughts on each)
126 Larry Wall: Computer Programming in 5 Minutes
126 Four Distributed Systems Architectural Patterns by Tim Berglund
112 7 Game Design Mistakes to Avoid!
111 The MIT Challenge -- Learning 4 Years in 12 Months (Without Taking Classes)
110 How do computers store images?
109 How to Get into MIT
107 10 глупых вопросов SMM-СПЕЦИАЛИСТУ
106 6 GitHub Repos For Instant Knowledge Boost
103 Quantum Instruction Set - Computerphile
101 Why Computer Science for Every Child?
101 Great Ideas of Computer Science
100 StatQuest: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Step-by-Step
100 StatQuest: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Step-by-Step
98 Sketching Root Locus Part 1
94 The Art of Abstraction - Computerphile
90 Programming Paradigms - Computerphile
87 The HTTP headers you don't expect
86 My Story of Being a Self Taught Programmer (Plus Tips and Advice!)
84 Is Prodigy Programmer The Next Steve Jobs?
79 Sundar Pichai's Open Talk
78 A friendly introduction to Bayes Theorem and Hidden Markov Models
76 Programming on a Mac vs. PC
70 IBM University CloudCamp
70 Get started with TensorFlow's High-Level APIs (Google I/O '18)
70 Containers and VMs - A Practical Comparison
68 P vs. NP - An Introduction
65 GOTO 2018 • Functional Programming in 40 Minutes • Russ Olsen
62 Twos complement: Negative numbers in binary
60 Coding Challenge #93: Double Pendulum
60 5 Tips for Computer Science Freshmen
58 The beauty & joy of computing | Dan Garcia | TEDxBerkeley
57 Programmer: Reality vs Expectations (Computer Programmer) Part 1
52 Introduction to Robotics at MIT
52 From passion to product: A drive to continuously deliver with excellence at Givaudan
52 Container Orchestration Wars (2017)
50 Demystifying The Difference Between Data Science, Big Data And Data Analytics | Edureka
49 The best 8 books I read this year
47 Awesome API tools
46 Making A Game in 48 Hours!
42 Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms (Stanford)
41 What is Bootstrapping? - Computerphile
41 30+ Helpful tools, apps and websites
40 Coding Challenge #90: Floyd-Steinberg Dithering
38 17.11: Sound Visualization: Frequency Analysis with FFT - p5.js Sound Tutorial
36 Most Popular StackOverflow Topics on a Monthly Basis (2009 - 2019)
36 Data Structures: Trees
35 The difference between procedural and object-oriented programming
35 How Face ID Works... Probably - Computerphile
34 Getting Sorted - Computerphile
33 Computer programming: How to write code functions | tutorial
30 Какой язык программирования учить в 2018 году
29 Голая правда о программистах | САТИРА
29 What is a Container?
29 Understand Programming Languages
27 Coding Challenge #95: Approximating the Value of Pi
26 700 знаков в минуту
25 Designing my Server Architecture for Scalable Web Applications
24 Lecture - 1 Introduction to computer graphics
24 Differences Between a Software Developer and Software Engineer
23 How to Write More Effectively and Develop Your Unique Style
23 Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler)) 1st Edition
22 Sunday Lightning Talks
22 Day in the Life of a Computer Science Student | UoG
21 It’s Time to Ditch Google Analytics
19 Donald Knuth - "The Art of Computer Programming": underestimating the size of the book (38/97)
19 12-year-old boy setting the pace in computer programming
18 Should I Learn Programming or Networking?
18 Rec 1 | MIT 6.00SC Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Spring 2011
18 Data Structures: Hash Tables
15 StackOverflow isn't as useful anymore? I use GitHub more often
14 Google Python Class Day 1 Part 2
13 Core Programming Philosophy Explained
13 $75 на фрилансе за 1 час LIVE от профи!
12 5 способов заработка на программировании
11 Karnaugh Maps – Introduction
11 Computer Science Field Guide: Software Engineering
10 The Progression to Expect when Learning Code
10 10 Советов новичкам программистам
9 Rise Above The Framework
9 Logistic Regression - Fun and Easy Machine Learning
9 loftblog
8 What Programming Language Should I Learn First (2018 and beyond)
7 Recursion (Think Like a Programmer)
7 Binary fractions to Decimal (and vice versa)
6 Which Company Will Fall First? - Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, or Facebook
6 The Problem with so many Code Courses
5 Что такое интернет. Как устроен интернет.
5 When Fast is Faster Than Fastest
5 Programming (coding) for kids 4. How to animate sprites in Scratch.
5 HSBC Business Insight | Global CIO Darryl West at GoogleNext18
4 Как научиться программировать С НУЛЯ?!
4 Using RoboBrowser to Login and Extract Data
4 The 6 roles of building accessible experiences, explained
4 Learn Fetch API In 6 Minutes
4 Interactive web animation with SVG by Cassie Evans | CSSCAMP 2019
4 Best Computer for Developers in 2018?
3 Programming Career Paths in 2018
3 How to not get caught while web scraping?
3 Cloud Hosting vs Traditional Hosting
2 Сравнение PHP vs Python.Что учить новичку?
2 Как пользоваться программой WorkFlowy
2 Why do Web Programmers make MORE money than Web Designers?
2 University Study with Me! A Day In The Life of a Maths Student
2 Packet Loss vs Latency
2 MITx: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming: 6.00x About Video
2 Floating Point Representation Example Part 1 of 2
1 Understanding Open Source Software, and How It Makes You Money Online
1 Lodash - функциональное применение (partial, curry, flow)
1 Keynote: The Tao of HashiCorp - Mitchell Hashimoto, Founder, HashiCorp
1 Introducing Observable, self-documenting ELT
1 How to use Yale Faces database in Face recognition - Level 4c Part III(2_2)
1 Does a developer need a Computer Science degree?
How To Rename Columns in Pandas in 4 Minutes
0 Парсинг интернет-магазина в CSV
0 Как быстро стать программистом?
0 Why I code mods
0 What’s new in Elastic Stack 6.x - Morgan Goeller - Elastic San Antonio Meetup
0 What Does Your IDE/Code Editor Look Like?
0 Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio - Mete Atamel
0 Python 3 Tutorial: 5 - Functions Intro.
0 Pseudocode Editor
0 Pat Gelsinger: The rule of the cloud is ruthlessly automate everything
0 La computación en la nube como motor de la innovación.
0 Keynote: Welcome & Opening Remarks - Jim Zemlin & Sarah Novotny
0 IP Traffic Monitor 3.0
0 How to use the Mod Function
0 How To Get your Applications Through Firewalls
0 How to get urls for sqli dumper 2018
0 Hak5 - Extracting files from packet captures, brute forcing stenography, packet sniffing goodness and ...
0 Grouping and Aggregating Data in Pandas
0 Google Home meets .NET containers on Google Cloud - Ian Talarico & Mete Atamel
0 Google Cloud Weekly | 08.29.2018 | Linux Academy
0 Experimenting with RTP streaming
0 ES6 - #2 - let
0 Continuous Deployment of Your Application by Marcin Grzejszczak @ Spring I_O 2018
0 Computer Programmer Interview | CAREERwise Education
0 CNCF End User: Austin Adams, Ygrene
0 Capture TCP 3 Way Handshake
0 Adobe XD Advanced Prototyping of an Embedded Media Player
0 073 TreeView