Links tagged with #nginx

1356 Online nginx configuration generator for general purposes
96 Thread Pools in NGINX Boost Performance 9x!
95 gixy - a tool to analyze Nginx configuration to prevent security misconfiguration
89 Nginx Admin's Handbook
64 NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX
56 Inside NGINX: How We Designed for Performance & Scale
26 Pitfalls and Common Security Mistakes in NGINX configuration
23 Secure nginx config. GIST - nginx configuration for improved security and performance
16 AppSecCali 2019 Lightning Talk - Building Cloud-Native Security for Apps and APIs with NGINX
11 Using NGINX as a Kubernetes Ingress Controller
11 Load Balancing Kubernetes Services with NGINX and NGINX Plus
9 NGINX 3rd Party Modules - a list of third-party modules (including security-related) for NGINX and NGINX Plus, created and maintained by members of the NGINX community
9 Building security into cloud native apps with NGINX
8 Nginx Optimization: understanding sendfile, tcp_nodelay and tcp_nopush
6 Understanding Nginx versioning
6 Kubernetes Ingress Controller | Beginners Tutorial with NGINX as an Example
6 awesome-nginx-security
5 How To Protect an Nginx Server with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 14.04
4 The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): nginx
4 testcookie-nginx-module - Simple robot mitigation module using cookie based challenge/response technique
4 Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial | Ingress Vs Service, Install Nginx Ingress | Kubernetes Tutorial Part 9
4 Building a Security Shield for Your Applications with NGINX & Wallarm
3 mod_security for NGINX
3 History of Nginx
2 Scripting NGINX for Overload Protection | Shopify
2 Let's Encrypt TLS for Every nginx conf
1 nginx Security: How To Harden Your Server Configuration
1 jdauphant/ansible-role-nginx
1 CloudFlare's new WAF: compiling to Lua (based on Nginx)
1 Behavior Based Security with Repsheet: Aaron Bedra @nginxconf 2014
0 The most important steps to take to make an nginx server more secure
0 The case for Nginx in front of application servers
0 SEnginx - Security-Enhanced nginx
0 Nginx Internals
0 Nginx Guts - Shedding light on Nginx internals
0 Nginx discovery journey
0 Learn how to deploy Nginx with Ansible | Cloud Hosting Tutorials
0 Interview with the creator of Nginx
0 Interview with Igor Sysoev, author of Apache's competitor NGINX
0 Installing the NGINX ModSecurity WAF
0 geerlingguy/ansible-role-nginx
0 AppSec EU15 - Thibault Koechlin - Naxsi, A Web Application Firewall for NGINX